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Lonicera japonica Thunb.

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Lonicera japonica Thunb. in Murray, Syst. Veg., ed. 14 (J. A. Murray) 216 (1784)
Lonicera japonica Thunb.

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New Zealand
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Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica

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Lonicera japonica Thunb.

Vigorous climber, evergreen, or semi-evergreen in cold districts. Stems mostly purplish and hirsute when young. Lvs dimorphic: those produced in colder weather in early spring sinuate to deeply lobed; summer lvs and those on reproductive shoots entire. Petiole to 1.3 cm long, densely hirsute. Lamina of entire lvs 2.5-12 × 1.5-6 cm, ovate-oblong, ovate or ovate-elliptic, usually deep ± shining green or sometimes yellowish green above, lighter green below, sometimes mottled yellow, densely hairy to glabrous on veins beneath; midrib above glabrous or hairy; base rounded, truncate or subcordate; apex obtuse to acute; lvs subtending fls similar but smaller, all free. Fls in axillary pairs, fragrant; peduncles 0.5-2.5 cm long, densely hirsute. Bracteoles ± oblong-obovate, much < ovaries. Calyx lobes very small, ± narrow-triangular, fringed with long hairs. Corolla 2-4.5-(5) cm long, usually white, becoming yellow after anthesis, often flushed pink on reverse, glandular-hairy outside; tube 1-3 cm long, cylindric; limb 2-lipped; single linear lobe of lower lip recurving; upper lip 4-toothed. Stamens and style < to = corolla limb. Ovaries separate. Berry (4)-5-7 mm diam., broad- ovate to suborbicular, glossy black. Seed c. 2 mm diam.

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Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.

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New Zealand
Political Region

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Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
Cook Islands
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Lonicera japonica Thunb.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
13 October 2021
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